Section 1 : Introduction
- Lecture 1: Big Data Introduction
- Lecture 2: Azure Synapse Introduction
- Lecture 3: Azure Synapse __ Important Concepts in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 4: Azure Synapse __ Create Azure Free Account for Synapse
Section 2: Integration Runtime and Types
- Lecture 5: Azure Synapse__ Integration runtime in Synapse __ Azure IR
Section 3: Azure Synapse - Real Time Use case1
- Lecture 6: Synapse Lab1__ Create Your First Azure Synapse
- Lecture 7: Synapse Lab2__ Create Your First Pipeline in Azure Synapse
Section 4: Azure Storage Account Integration with Azure Synapse
- Lecture 8: Synapse Lab3__ Copy multiple files from blob to blob using wildcard file options
- Lecture 9: Synapse Lab4_ Copy multuple folders from blob to blob using dataset parameters
- Lecture 10: Synapse Lab5__ Get File Names from Folder Dynamically and copy latest file from folder
Section 5: Azure Synapse Triggers
- Lecture 11: Synapse Lab6 Azure Synapse __ Event Based Trigger in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 12: Synapse Lab7 __ Schedule Trigger in Azure Synapse
Section 7: Azure SQL Database integration with Azure Synapse
- Lecture 15: Synapse Lab8 - Azure SQL Databases - Introduction __ Relational databases in Azure
- Lecture 16: Synapse Lab9- Copy data from SQL Database to ADLS Gen2 using table, query and stored procedure
- Lecture 17: Synapse Lab10__ Overwrite and Append Modes in Copy Activity in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 18: Synapse Lab11 __ Use Foreach loop activity to copy multiple Tables- Step by Step Explanation
Section 8: Incremental Load to Azure Synapse in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 19: Synapse Lab16 __Incremental Load or Delta load from SQL to blob Storage in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 20: Synapse Lab17 __ Multi Table Incremental Load or Delta load from SQL to to Azure Synapse
- Lecture 21: Synapse Lab18 __Incrementally copy new and changed files based on Last Modified Date
Section 9: Logging and Notification and keyvault integration __ Azure Logic Apps
- Lecture 22: Synapse Lab12__ Log Pipeline Executions to SQL Table using Azure Synapse
- Lecture 23: Synapse Lab13 _ Custom Email Notifications and keyvault integration with Linked Service _ Send Error notification with logic app
- Lecture 24: Synapse Lab14 __ Use Foreach loop activity to copy multiple Tables with pipeline logs logic and notifications
Section 10: Data Migration from On premise SQL Server to Azure Synapse using Azure Synapse
- Lecture 25: Synapse Lab15 - Load data from on premise sql server to Azure Synapse
Section 11: Data Migration to Azure Synapse with polybase and Bulk insert
- Lecture 26: Synapse Lab16 -Copy Data from sql server to to Azure Synapse with polybase & Bulk Insert
Section 12: Data Migration from On premise File System to Azure Synapse using Azure Synapse
- Lecture 27: Synapse Lab17 - Copy Data from on-premise File System to Azure Synapse
Section 13: Copying data from REST API using Azure Synapse
- Lecture 28: Synapse Lab18 -Loop through REST API copy data 2 ADLS Gen2 Linked Service Parameters
Section 14: Deep dive into Copy Activity in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 29: Synapse Lab19__ deep dive into Copy Activity Azure Synapse
Section 15: Advanced Concepts in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 30: Synapse Lab20 -Nested ForEach in Synapse _ pass parameters from Master to child pipeline
- Lecture 31: Synapse Lab21 -High Availability of Self Hosted IR &Sharing IR with other Synapse
Section 16: complex scenarios in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 32: Synapse Lab22 -How to run multiple file trigger dependency pipeline
- Lecture 33: Synapse Lab23 -How to trigger pipeline when any activity in pipeline failed with error message
- Lecture 34: Synapse Lab24 -when we are running multiple pipeline, if any pipeline failed in between, how to run pipeline from failed pipeline
Section 17: Data Flows Introduction
- Lecture 35: Azure Data Flows Introduction __ Setup Integration Runtime for Data Flows
Section 18: Data Flows Transformation and Data quality framework implementation
- Lecture 36: Azure Data Flows __ Basics of SQL Joins for Azure Data Flows
- Lecture 37: Synapse Lab25 _Joins in Azure DataFlows
- Lecture 38: Synapse Lab26 -Difference Between Join vs.Lookup Transformation& Merge Functionality
- Lecture 39: Synapse Lab27 -Data Quality Checks and Logging using Data Flows
Section 19: Dimensions in Data Flows
- Lecture 40: Synapse Lab28 -Slowly Changing Dimension Type1 (SCD1) with Azure Synapse as sink
- Lecture 41: Synapse Lab29 -Slowly Changing Dimension Type(SCD2) with Azure Synapse as sink
- Lecture 42: Synapse Lab30 -Slowly Changing Dimension Type2 (SCD1) with Azure Data Lake Gen2 as sink
- Lecture 43: Synapse Lab31 -Slowly Changing Dimension Type2 (SCD2) with Azure Data Lake Gen2 as sink
Section 20: Server less Built-in introduction in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 44: Synapse Lab32 - Analysing data with Server less SQL pool in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 45: Synapse Lab33 - Azure Synapse SQL Architecture
Section 21: Data Distributions in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 46: Synapse Lab34 - Create tables in Synapse with different distributions
Section 22: Row level and Column level security in in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 47: Synapse Lab35 - Implementation of row level security and column security in Synapse
Section 23: Dedicated SQL Pool in introduction in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 48: Synapse Lab36 - Analysing data with dedicated SQL pool in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 49: Synapse Lab37 - Creating External tables in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 49: Synapse Lab38 - Data Encryption & dynamic data masking
Section 24: Spark Pool Introduction in Azure Synapse
- Lecture 50: Spark Introduction and components
- Lecture 51: Spark Architecture
- Lecture 52: Synapse Lab39 - Create notbook and notebook option and create notebook in different langauges
- Lecture 53: Synapse Lab40 - MSSparkUtils for file system
- Lecture 54: Synapse Lab41 - MSSparkUtils for for creating notebook parameters
- Lecture 55: Synapse Lab41 - Magic commands and calling one synapse notebook from another and returning output of synapse notebook
- Lecture 56: Synapse Lab43 - Configure keyvault in azure synapse notebook
- Lecture 57: Synapse Lab44 - Different ways to connect to ADLSGen2 from synapse notebook
- Lecture 58: Synapse Lab45 - Different ways to connect to Blob from synapse notebook
- Lecture 59: Synapse Lab46 - Different ways to connect to Azure SQL Database from synapse notebook
- Lecture 60: Synapse Lab47 - Different ways to connect to on premise SQL Server from synapse notebook
- Lecture 61: Synapse Lab48 - Optimization while Reading and writing CSV files from Azure Synapse
- Lecture 62: Synapse Lab49 - Reading and writing parquet files from Azure Synapse
- Lecture 63: Synapse Lab50 - Reading and writing JSON files from Azure Synapse
- Lecture 64: Synapse Lab51 - Reading and writing avro and orc files from Azure Synapse
- Lecture 65: Synapse Lab52 - Reading and writing EXCEL files from Azure Synapse
- Lecture 66: Synapse Lab53 - Different ways to create RDD in synapse notebook
- Lecture 67: Synapse Lab54 - Different ways to create dataframes in synapse notebook
- Lecture 68: Synapse Lab55 - When to use repartition and coalesce
- Lecture 69: Synapse Lab56 - Joins in Synapse Notebook
- Lecture 70: Synapse Lab57 - Broadcast Joins in Synapse Notebook and configuration of spark for optimization
- Lecture 71: Synapse Lab58 - what is catalyst optimiser and skewness issue in spark
- Lecture 72: Optimization techniques in pyspark
- Lecture 73: Synapse Lab59 - Implementing SCD1 in Synapse Notebook
- Lecture 74: Synapse Lab60 - Implementing SCD2 in Synapse Notebook
- Lecture 75: Synapse Lab61 - Executing synapse notebooks from synapse pipleines with input and output parameters
- Lecture 76: Synapse Lab62 - Azure Devops : Synapse pipelines and code deployment using CI-CD pipeline
Section 25: Synapse Projects
- Lecture 77: Synapse Lab63- Project1 using synapse notebook
- Lecture 78: Synapse Lab64- Project2 using Synapse Activities