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Section 1 : Introduction

Section 2: Integration Runtime and Types

Section 3: Azure Synapse - Real Time Use case1

Section 4: Azure Storage Account Integration with Azure Synapse

Section 5: Azure Synapse Triggers

Section 7: Azure SQL Database integration with Azure Synapse

Section 8: Incremental Load to Azure Synapse in Azure Synapse

Section 9: Logging and Notification and keyvault integration __ Azure Logic Apps

Section 10: Data Migration from On premise SQL Server to Azure Synapse using Azure Synapse

Section 11: Data Migration to Azure Synapse with polybase and Bulk insert

Section 12: Data Migration from On premise File System to Azure Synapse using Azure Synapse

Section 13: Copying data from REST API using Azure Synapse

Section 14: Deep dive into Copy Activity in Azure Synapse

Section 15: Advanced Concepts in Azure Synapse

Section 16: complex scenarios in Azure Synapse

Section 17: Data Flows Introduction

Section 18: Data Flows Transformation and Data quality framework implementation

Section 19: Dimensions in Data Flows

Section 20: Server less Built-in introduction in Azure Synapse

Section 21: Data Distributions in Azure Synapse

Section 22: Row level and Column level security in in Azure Synapse

Section 23: Dedicated SQL Pool in introduction in Azure Synapse

Section 24: Spark Pool Introduction in Azure Synapse

Section 25: Synapse Projects